Photo of Celia

Front-end developer from San Jose, California USA

Getting to where I am now has been a journey. As a California native growing up in Silicon Valley, the tech industry has always been part of my daily awareness. However, I never thought I would work in the tech domain. I thought coding was too hard to learn; therefore, I did not try. I did not have the time to make a real effort, and honestly, it was not on my radar. I was busy making a living as a manager at Trader Joe's, working 40 hours a week, and working towards my Business Management degree. I had my hands full and could not add any more to my plate.

One year after moving to Spain, I saw an add for a one hour free coding course with SheCodes . I thought to myself, why not try it? It turned out that I really enjoyed coding and decided to continue my coding studies.

I took course after course until I achieved the Front-End Developer certification. I have designed and built a dictionary, weather app, world time clock, and several travel and professional websites. All coded using the technologies learned in the SheCodes courses.

I still have much to learn and am excited to continue creating, building, and collaborating on future projects.

Additionally, I created an online store as a side project because I like to keep busy by creating and having fun. My store's name is Crazy Creative Imaginarium and you could visit the site by clicking the link in the footer.